Friday, January 3, 2014

In the pit at Passion Pit

I knew of PassionPit's songs like "sleepyhead", "the reeling", "take a walk" and "carried away" (their best songs in my book), and I had recently heard they were coming and without even listening to their full album (Gossamer) I decided to go.  But, I still didn't get tickets until the day of the concert (always a procrastinator) .  I'm not sure why, but my mind was set on being in the pit after the Imagine Dragons concert, so I called up one of my best friends and 10 minutes later, my friend, my dad, and I were soon enough on our way to the Passion Pit Pit. It doesn't seem like they've really takin off after their release of Gossamer, so you could probably wait until the last minute to get tickets (if you had to).  It was a great, summer show and it was outdoors and perfect weather.  This was my first time being in a pit, so I used the strategy of "oh I'll kindly wait till someone moves then I'll take their spot" (lately I have become much more assertive than that first time).  Soon, we made our way to the front row, right corner.  That was on of those shows you should see in the summer, get lawn or pit tickets spur of the moment and just go (even if you don't know all of the lyrics).  I had a great time and even though I didn't know most of the songs ( I quickly sampled them on iTunes on the drive there). Just a colorful and fun show (one of those where you don't feel like someone is humping you the entire time because you're so squashed together in a hot, stinking pit) .  Off-note Tip: during the show, some people snuck in over the pit gate, and they didn't get caught.  For the people unwilling to pay for pit tickets for any show, try the tactic (in the MIDDLE-END of the show) of hopping over the fence (live a little) but I can't promise you it'll work.  
Its not my fault, I'm Happy!

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