Wednesday, January 1, 2014

IMAGINE if we had DRAGONS and they were AIRBORNE and TOXIC (what an EVENT)

IMAGINE if we had DRAGONS and they were AIRBORNE and TOXIC (what an EVENT)
My apologizes to the millions and billions of people reading my blog, I have had much to do and not so much energy to blog (after all I'm constantly writing for english and such things) over the past few months.  Anyway, I figured I would talk a little about my two first concerts of 2013.  I went on a streak of no concerts for a while (during my dark ages), although I did attend a "Best Coast" concert with my dad in 2012 during summer.  My dad mentioned a couple weeks before that "The Airborne Toxic Event" was coming, and I liked them, and I knew none of my friends would know them, so I went with my dad. We kind of stood towards the back and it was a great concert, even then.  Their violinist is this girl who looks like she'd be some type of hard-core rocker, and so she unexpectedly kicked-butt at violin. I love that they incorporate violin sounds into their very alternative music.  check them out, they're a really great band, and fun live. 
I discovered "Imagine Dragons" around early 2012 summer, and it wasn't because their song "it's time" was the soundtrack to the "Perks of being a Wallflower" trailer (great movie), but because there was this commercial with firemen in it and "radioactive" was the song in the background, and I thought it was AWESOME.  It took me a while to find the name of the song, so I had to wait for it to come on the radio (my family has XM radio so we don't have to listen to top-40 crap), and it did come on pretty soon and I literally screamed out of joy when I heard it.  Later that fall, I showed the song to my friends and I take pride in getting them on the Imagine Dragons bus (although they might not admit it). Anyway, my best friend and I (before I knew the "bandsintown" app was a thing) watched closely for when they'd be coming.  They finally came to our area (and it just so happened to be two days after the airborne toxic concert) and a group of about six of us went.  It seemed like almost everyone in my school was going, which i didn't like but whatever.  We got there and had lawn seats (cheapest tickets were on ticket master by the way) and then right after the opening band, it rained, and stormed and poured.  They came very close to canceling the concert, and I would have been PISSED.  But, they didn't, and they put on a FANTASTIC show. It was so great, even on the lawn (although next time I go, I want to definitely be in the pit, it would've been much funner). There are so many great light effects and the lead singer (Dan Reynolds) likes to fly through the air while playing drums a lot. They put on a very, very, good show.  Get pit tickets.

"the Airborne Toxic Event "Timeless"
also, check out "gasoline", "sometime around midnight", "wishing well" and "all I ever wanted" 

"Imagine Dragons" "night visions" album SAMPLER (not full songs)

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