Wednesday, October 2, 2013


            Freaking school man.  It’s killing me.  I’d really love to blog everyday because it makes me so happy but chemistry and all that awful high school crap is ruining my life.  So if I don’t blog, its not because I don’t feel like it or I'm lazy its because of freaking school.  It ruins everything.  But, enough about that crap it’s messing with my Zen. This is what I typed Sunday before I had to get a bunch of homework done:
Yesterday, I went to the “walk the moon” concert that was sold out. I didn’t really know any of their songs other than “Anna sun” until later this week when I looked them up on MySpace after buying tickets.  I know what your thinking… MySpace is so lame and old-timey but despite popular belief it’s pretty cool. You can listen to full albums… (That’s how much I typed)
As I was saying MySpace is pretty cool despite it’s stigma.  But do watcha want I could care less. WALK THE MOON is awesome, and I mean AWESOME in concert.  They were playing at this place we have called the cats cradle.  I’ve been to enough concerts there to know it like the back of my hand.  So, when we walked in (my parents “granted me independence” and let me go with two of my friends by ourselves for the first time) and me, being the (slightly rude) assertive person I am, I go to the left (away from the bathrooms) and push a bunch of people to get to the front (second row) all the while pissing off multiple people along the way.  On a side note, if you don’t want me to take your spot, don’t let me… this is a concert… survival of the fittest man.  If you ever go to WALK THE MOON, paint your face, we missed the memo on that (tons of people painted their faces).  Apparently the deal is, when WALK THE MOON made their “Anna sun” music video they had a giant paint fight at the end and it was amazing so now they always paint their faces for their shows.
A band called “magic man” from Boston opened.  They were pretty good.  As my friend Nikki puts it “they’re a mix of walk the moon and Michael Jackson”.  It was cute because the crowd was pretty nice to them and clapped (a lot of opening bands get booed) and the lead singer got really, really pumped. It was then time for WALK THE MOON. Eli, the guitarist was closest to us on the left and Nick, the lead singer was in the middle (its best to get in the middle) and Kevin, their bassist, in his cheetah print pants, was on the right. They opened with “Next in Line” which was a really great song to open with.  They continued with songs from their latest album “walk the moon”.  After singing “Iscariot” they called the guy who designed their set (which by the way, was really cool with these trees that look like the ones on their album cover which lit up) and he proposed to his girlfriend! Afterwards they played my personal favorite, “I can lift a car” and had everyone do the same “lifting a car” motion.  They also played a couple of new songs they were working on, the only one I remember had a chorus like “do you have a boyfriend?” so keep a look out for that song because it was great. Nick crowed-walked (I WAS SO CLOSE TO TOUCHING HIM) and they ended with the first song I heard by them, Anna sun.  They played “Jenny” for their encore and they made an awesome speech about forgetting about how your supposed to act and just feel free to express yourself here, and (excuse my language) to “drop shit” on this last song, and take it from me, we did. This was definitely a great escape from the awful stressful real world and I will definitely buy tickets to see them again in a heartbeat. This was probably one of my all time funnest concerts. 
I love you, WALK THE MOON.

Here’s a link to the whole "WALK THE MOON" album, which you need to listen to now:

And magic man’s “Texas” link just for kicks:

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